HUT Permit (New York)

$574.00 Only


$574.00 Only

Product Code: 114

4 Reviews

Product Description:

  • HUT Permit (New York) is for all trucking operations within the state.

  • New York Hut Permit is a tax for truck units and should be displayed on vehicles

  • How to get a HUT Permit NY to apply on this page by pressing the yellow button.

  • New York hut permit cost can vary depending on how many trucks you have in your fleet.

HUT Permit in New York

Our organization can provide you with a HUT Permit in New York ASAP. Do you have a truck that you plan on operating through public highways? If so, let’s say that you intend to drive that truck through New York State. Chances are, you cannot operate the truck without a HUT (highway use tax) sticker. 


You can order a HUT sticker through on this web page. Next, we’ll create a filing with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. This way, you can receive an official decal and certificate of registration. A decal and registration will apply to one motor vehicle at a time. Then, you can cruise across New York public highways with ease.



HUT Registration in New York State

HUT Registration in New York State

New York State applies an HUT (highway use tax) on all motor carriers. This regulation impacts almost all commercial motor vehicles. Do you plan on operating your vehicle across the state of New York? If so, you cannot operate on public state highways without an HUT permit. The exact tax rate for HUT permit vehicles can vary. It depends on how much your motor vehicle weighs. Plus, the method that you use to report the tax also impacts your tax rate.


Every motor carrier, intrastate and interstate, must pay the NY State highway use tax. Otherwise, your carrier cannot begin operating across New York public highways. There are few exceptions to this state permit regulation. A key exception is if you only drive across toll-paid portions within the NY Thruway. Say that your carrier becomes subject to official HUT permit policies. It has to maintain records of miles traveled on a day-to-day basis in the state. Please contact our organization with questions about HUT tax record-keeping.

Highway Use Tax Decals & Registration

Highway Use Tax Decals & Registration

Say that you plan on operating your CMV (commercial motor vehicle) in New York State. First, you need to secure a permit decal and certificate of registration. Each vehicle in your fleet should have a decal and registration. (As long as you'll start operating the vehicle across the state of New York.) Two separate categories exist for HUT registration.


First, there's the HUT Certificate of Registration. The certificate applies to any type of truck, tractor, or self-propelled vehicle. But the gross vehicle weight must exceed 18,000 pounds. Next, let’s go over the AFC (Automotive Fuel Carrier) Certificate of Registration. This certificate applies to any truck, trailer, semi-trailer, or attached device. (Only if the attached device transports automotive fuel.) Our organization can provide you with either type of HUT registration right away.

Keep in mind that you can use the unloaded weight method for each form of HUT registration. This involves receiving a certificate for a truck with a specific weight. The unloaded weight must exceed 8,000 pounds. Now, say that you're operating a tractor. Its unloaded weight must exceed 4,000 pounds. Please contact us for more information about HUT unloaded weight policies.

The Temporary HUT Registration Permit

The Temporary HUT Registration Permit

Let’s say that you only drive through New York State on an occasional basis. In most cases, you will have a key option. You can buy the New York Trip Certificate of Registration. This way, you can operate a vehicle within New York State lines for a brief period. You will then not need to register with HUT, secure a decal, or file an HUT tax return.


Remember, you must always prove that your carrier holds compliance with the law. That's why you should hold onto copies of your HUT trip certificate or permit. In fact, New York State officials will ask you to keep the copies for at least four years. Please note that a trip certificate is not an option for every single carrier. You cannot apply for more than ten trip permit certificates each year. Also, a carrier cannot receive a trip certificate if it transports automotive fuel.

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Customer Reviews

Great Services!

FMCSA Registration LLC has been a life-saver for my company. They ensure that my employees comply with all FMCSA regulations. We haven’t been fined or penalized in many years. And I owe that to the great folks at FMCSA Registration LLC. They are the only third-party registration service that I trust.

James Cameron

Owner of a moving company

My organization has been securing DOT Numbers, MC Numbers, UCR Registration, and all other FMCSA requirements from FMCSA Registration LLC for well over a decade. Why? Their services are lightning-fast, their customer service is excellent, and they go the extra mile to make sure that we maintain full compliance at all times. A+++.

Alicia Walker

Vice President of an interstate carrier

What Can Happen if I Do Not Register a Permit?



Say that you decide not to secure the registration of a HUT permit. Then, you drive across the state of New York. An auditor or inspector could realize that you lack HUT program registration. This puts you in jeopardy of violating the official HUT law. As a result, the state could take some serious actions against you. First, it could revoke or suspend your HUT certificate of registration. Next, the state could ban your company from operating vehicles in New York. Last but not least, you could face imprisonment and criminal fines. As you can see, you do not want to risk operating a CMV without a permit for HUT.

 Can Provide Compliance Help





Our organization understands how complicated the New York HUT law appears. It’s confusing even to the most successful motor carriers in the industry. But you're never in this alone. The vehicle registration team at our company is standing by. We’re ready to file your certificate of registration application right now. This way, the state of New York will allow you to begin operating ASAP. Plus, our experts can help you secure a temporary permit in New York. Please give us a call right now to receive compliance help.



Does My Carrier Need IFTA Registration Plus a HUT Permit?




In most cases, the answer is “yes.” IFTA only refers to the vehicle for fuel tax. Meanwhile, HUT functions as a separate highway use tax in New York. Carriers must file for both IFTA permits and HUT permits. Keep in mind that our organization can take care of all your IFTA registration.



Are There Any Exempt/Excluded Vehicles?




Yes. Some specific vehicles get excluded from HUT (highway use tax) registration. But in most cases, commercial vehicles operating within New York need the registration. Here is an example of an exemption. Some vehicles become exempt from HUT if they’re only used for a certain activity. Do you believe that you can receive an exemption from HUT? If so, please contact our business. We can provide you with more information about commercial vehicle exemptions. The information will refer to the state’s Highway Use Tax (TB‑HU‑245).



How Does the New York Highway Use Tax Get Determined?




Here’s how the state of New York determines your highway use tax amount. It’s based on the miles that you travel across New York State public highways. The state uses two key factors to compute each individual tax rate. First, the state bases the rate by the weight of the commercial motor vehicle. Then, the state applies the method that you decide on when reporting a tax.


Say that you're completing your first tax return within a calendar year in New York. You can decide to apply a gross weight method. Or, you can use an unloaded weight method. Either method will help you compute the exact tax. Say that you choose a method that applies to the tax. You'll need to use the same method when computing tax within every return. This applies to each tax return filed within a calendar year. But you can always change your method starting in the following year. You must use the same tax computing method for all vehicles in your fleet.



Get Your Decals & Certificate of Registration Through Us




Do you plan on operating your motor vehicle on public highways in New York State? If so, do not put off securing the official HUT decal and certificate of registration. You'll need a separate decal and certificate for every HUT-registered vehicle. This is an official highway use tax policy. Our organization can begin getting your registered with HUT today. Please use the order form on this web page. Or, feel free to call us and place an order over the phone. We won't rest until you can operate your CMV across New York with ease.


The Two Types of HUT Registrations




Two types of HUT registrations exist. Our organization can secure either type of registration on your behalf. First, there’s the official HUT Certificate of Registration. The certificate applies to any truck, tractor, or self-propelled vehicle. The key here is for the vehicle’s gross weight to go over 18,000 pounds. But let’s say that you want to use the unloaded weight method for your tax return. This means you'll need a certificate if a vehicle weighs over 8,000 pounds. Or, if an unloaded tractor weighs over 4,000 pounds.


An automotive fuel carrier (AFC) HUT certificate of registration also exists. It can apply to every truck, trailer, or even a semi-trailer. You can also get this certificate if you have an attached device carrying fuel. The same HUT gross weight/unloaded weight policies apply for this certificate.


No matter which type of HUT registration you prefer, our organization’s ready. We can create your account and begin securing your credentials today. First, we can file Form TMT-39. This refers to the New Account Application for Highway Use Tax (HUT). However the permit form also applies to every Automotive Fuel Carrier (AFC) application. Through online filing, our experts can also file Form TMT-1. The form serves as the official Application for Highway Use Tax (HUT). Through the form, you can receive decals for your truck or motor vehicle. Form TMT-1 applies to the Automotive Fuel Carrier (AFC) Certificates of Registration.



Contact Us for More Information About HUT Permits




Do you want to receive more information about HUT permits? If so, please call or email us right now. We’re standing by to help you secure an HUT decal and Certificate of Registration. This way, you can start operating your vehicle all across New York State. If you have questions about HUT requirements, do not hesitate to ask our experts. They're prepared to go the extra mile for you and your carrier. We can’t wait to assist you in staying compliant with HUT policies every year.
HUT Permit (New York)




Written by Published on Sept. 13, 2022, 3:09 p.m.